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Environmental aspects related to the development of small district heating networks based on renewable energy sources were the topic of the third local training organised within the international project ENTRAIN: Enhancing renewable heat planning for improving the air quality of communities, financed by the Interreg Central Europe programme. The event took place on 25 January 2022 in an online format and is part of a series of four training, where each focusing on a different aspect of district heating.

The event was opened by Patrycja Płonka - Project Manager of the Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Cités", who welcomed and introduced the participants to the topic of the meeting.  After the introductory words, Anna Fijas, also a project manager in PNEC, presented the activities of the Association and the detailed scope of the ENTRIAN project - its objectives, stages and activities that have been carried out.

After a short introduction, the first speaker was Piotr Kleinschmidt from the Forum Energii. He discussed the current state of the heating sector in Poland and then focused on the sector's impact on air quality and climate. As we found out, the heating sector is responsible for 25% of the national CO2 emissions. It is therefore necessary to implement a new business model in district heating, which is presented in the report The district heating company of the future. New business model. The next speaker was Rafał Kobyłecki, PhD from the Częstochowa University of Technology, who presented selected technologies for cleaning gases from energy conversion processes. He also pointed out how many factors depend on the quality of combustion and the resulting undesirable products. PhD Karol Sztekler from the AGH University of Science and Technology characterised the use of adsorption units to produce cold from system heat and waste heat and RES. It is estimated that the cooling sector currently consumes about 20% of the total global electricity production.

After the speech of the AGH University of Science and Technology representative and a short break, the time came for a speech by Janusz Fic - President of Krosno Municipal Holding, who spoke about fuel diversification in the CHP plant. This enterprise uses a cogeneration unit, a biomass boiler and an energy unit fired with fuel based on municipal waste sorting residues. In the area of the municipality there is also an Energy Cluster established jointly with the Municipality of Krosno and the Carpathian State University, whose aim is to provide electricity for all units of the City of Krosno and the university. The last speaker was Paweł Jastrzębski from the Municipal Heat Supply Company in Kraków, who presented a pilot of the first RES implementation programme in Poland through the use of heat pumps as a solution for buildings beyond the reach of the district heating network.

We would like to thank all the speakers for sharing their knowledge and experience during the training.  We hope that the event was valuable for you and the knowledge provided will be an inspiration and help in activities related to the development of small heating systems using renewable energy sources. We also encourage you to read the materials from the first and second training organised within the ENTRAIN project.

To download the following presentations and materials, please enter the password you received in the email sent after the event. If you didn't participate in the event but are interested in this topic, please contact with our office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The following presentations cannot be shared or published without the permission of the Association.


  1. Projekt ENTRAIN: Planowanie rozwoju systemów ciepłowniczych wykorzystujących OZE dla poprawy jakości powietrza , Anna Fijas, Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Sieć „Energie Cités”
  2. Wpływ ciepłownictwa na czystość powietrza i klimat , Piotr Kleinschmidt, Forum Energii
  3. Analiza wybranych technologii oczyszczania gazów z procesów konwersji energii , dr hab. inż. Rafał Kobyłecki, Wydział Infrastruktury i Środowiska, Politechnika Częstochowska
  4. Wykorzystanie urządzeń adsorpcyjnych do produkcji chłodu i ciepła systemowego oraz odpadowego i OZE , dr inż. Karol Sztekler, Wydział Energetyki i Paliw, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
  5. Dywersyfikacja paliwowa w krośnieńskiej elektrociepłowni , Janusz Fic, Prezes Krośnieńskiego Holdingu Komunalnego Sp. z o.o.
  6. MPEC w Krakowie – pilotaż pierwszego w Polsce programu wdrażania OZE poprzez zastosowanie pomp ciepła jako rozwiązania dla budynków pozostających poza zasięgiem sieci ciepło , Paweł Jastrzębski, Dyrektor ds. Innowacji w MPEC S.A. w Krakowie
