On 23 March 2022 the fourth and last meeting of the Regional Stakeholder Advisory Group, established under the ENTRAIN project, took place in the Płońsk City Hall. The attendees were the representatives of the city of Płońsk, PEC in Płońsk, Social Housing Association, Płońsk Energy Foundation and universities. Members of the Regional Stakeholder Advisory Group are also involved in the activities of the Płońsk Energy Cluster.

The mayor of Płońsk Andrzej Pietrasik has officialy opened the meeting and welcomed the guests. Then he spoke about the numerous activities of PEC in Płońsk, which is a good example of a cogeneration plant utilising local renewable energy sources.

Then, as a summary, the activities and results of the ENTRAIN project were presented, emphasising the availability of multiple materials, i.e. presentations and recordings of trainings, regional documents that were developed and a film database on the project website. During the project implementation, a survey was carried out among representatives of district heating companies to identify the current status of district heating in Poland, perspectives of its development and most important needs. The survey made it possible to develop recommendations for national and regional authorities and financial institutions regarding the creation of favorable framework, conditions and support instruments for the development of this sector in our country.

Patrycja Płonka from the Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Cités" raised the issue of appropriate planning for the future development and management of district heating systems using RES, taking into account the Austrian quality management system "QM Holzheizwerke" for biomass heating plants.

The representative of the University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw, Jarosław Osiak presented the members of RSAG with the recommendations worked out for the development of district heating sector in Poland. The key aspect discussed is that Polish district heating sector requires a deep modernisation, including significant increase of RES share in heat production. It is also necessary to expand the existing and build new heating systems, which will replace high-emission inividual heat sources.

One of the important parts of the last RSAG meeting was the presentation of the elements of the educational information campaign addressed to the citizens of Płońsk, namely website, posters and city game prepared within the framework of the ENTRAIN project. Prepared materials are intended for younger, but also older citizens and are to contribute to the increase of general knowledge on RES and district heating. They also aim to encourage residents to connect to the local district heating network. An additional element of this campaign is a film promoting the activities of the city and municipal companies in the field of RES and improving local air quality, which we watched together.

During the discussion, the issue of further actions that can be introduced to support the development of the use of RES in district heating systems and to encourage residents to use more ecological energy sources was raised.

The last meeting within the framework of the ENTRAIN project was a summary of our three-year actions, and also of the opportunities and benefits of district heating and renewable energy sources. The participants also attempted to develop topics that the city is interested in and would like to address in future planned projects, e.g. energy cooperatives, circular economy or comprehensive energy management in public buildings.


  1. Podsumowanie działań i rezultatów projektu ENTRAIN: Planowanie rozwoju systemów ciepłowniczych wykorzystujących OZE dla poprawy jakości powietrza , Anna Fijas, The Association of Municipality Polish Network „Energie Cités”
  2. Planowanie rozwoju i zarządzanie systemami ciepłowniczymi wykorzystującymi OZE – międzynarodowe narzędzia i dobre praktyki, w tym system zarządzania jakością w ciepłowniach opalanych biomasą , Patrycja Płonka, The Association of Municipality Polish Network „Energie Cités”
  3. Rekomendacje dla rozwoju sektora ciepłownictwa w Polsce wypracowane w ramach projektu , Jarosław Osiak, University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw
  4. Elementy kampanii informacyjno-edukacyjnej skierowanej dla mieszkańców miasta Płońsk przygotowanej w ramach projektu (strona internetowa, plakaty, gra miejsca) , Anna Fijas, The Association of Municipality Polish Network „Energie Cités”
