Multi-level governance (MLG) is an essential element of modern, comprehensive policy-making and applies at every level: from local to European (and, of course, beyond Europe as well). It supports and strengthens many processes, particularly climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as effectively addresses energy poverty or provides a coherent framework for a just transition. When considering the scale and scope of necessary solutions to a complex global problem such as climate change, effective multi-level governance can accelerate cost-effective and inclusive action. 

The role of multi-level governance in planning and implementing climate action was discussed on November 17 in Warsaw by representatives of various levels of administration and organizations, including the National Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund (NFOŚiGW), the Marshal's Office of Małopolska, National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBIZE), the Institute for Sustainable Development, the Mazovian Energy Agency (MAE), Association of Polish Cities (ZMP) and local governments. The event was held in Polish.

The first, introductory presentation was given by Pedro Bizarro from the Covenant of Mayors Office in Brussels, a co-organizer of the meeting. He outlined the development of the Covenant of Mayors initiative since its launch in 2008, explained how the term "multi-level governance" should be understood and why it is so important in climate action. He also reminded that member states must update their national plans on energy and climate to reflect increased ambitions in this area, by June 2023 in a draft version, and by June 2024 in a final version. This can and should be helped by a multi-level dialogue - which, according to the EU Parliament and Council Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action, is to actively engage "local governments, social organizations, businesses, investors and other relevant stakeholders and the general public to jointly discuss specific energy and climate policy scenarios, including in the long term, and review progress”.

Indeed, effective implementation of planned actions depends on effective engagement at the national, regional and local levels, as many national commitments are caried over to the local level, and many GHG reduction actions work best when initiated locally.

In the discussion that followed the overview of the proposed directions for revision of Poland's energy policy until 2050 and an update of the National Energy and Climate Action Plan to 2030, as well as a presentation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy for Małopolska (RAPCE) and the local Climate and Energy Action Plan developed for Bydgoszcz there was a recurring demand for dialogue between representatives of the various levels of government, so that regulations are created in cooperation with their addressees. The creation of a single coherent state policy with regard to strategic documents developed at the local level was strongly suggested. Participants stressed the need for development of databases containing reliable and complete data, also at the national level, constructed with the use of consistent and unified indicators and criteria.



  1. Wielopoziomowe zarządzanie w działaniach na rzecz klimatu - współtworzenie rozwiązań politycznych w celu przeciwdziałania zmianom klimatu , Pedro BIZARRO, Biuro Porozumienia Burmistrzów
  2. Scenariusze dojścia do neutralności klimatycznej w Polsce do 2050 r. , Maciej CYGLER, KOBiZE
  3. Finansowanie lokalnych działań dla klimatu i energii , Marta BABICZ, Wydział Współpracy Instytucjonalnej, NFOŚiGW
  4. Proponowane kierunki zmian Polityki energetycznej Polski do roku 2050 oraz aktualizacji Krajowego planu działań dla energii i klimatu do roku 2030 , Andrzej KASSENBERG, Fundacja Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju
  5. Regionalny Plan działań dla klimatu i energii dla województwa małopolskiego (RAPCE) – stan aktualny i największe wyzwania z perspektywy UMWM , Justyna MAZURKIEWICZ, Departament Środowiska, UMWM
  6. Lokalny Plan działań na rzecz klimatu i energii w Bydgoszczy , Tomasz BOŃDOS, Urząd Miasta Bydgoszczy
  7. Opracowanie i integracja dokumentów kształtujących politykę energetyczną i klimatyczną miasta , Beata KEMPA, Urząd Miasta Bydgoszczy
