The project supports the “Covenant of Mayors” initiative of the European Commission, which engages signatory municipalities (and their local communities) in activities for energy saving and climate protection. Covenant signatories commit themselves to go beyond the EU climate and energy goals set for 2020 by reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in their territories by at least 20%.
The Project is co-financed by the Polish aid programme 2010 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Project coordinator: The Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités” (PNEC)
Project partner: The Association „Energy Efficient Municipalities of Ukraine” (EEMU)
Duration: 1st of April 2010 – 31st of December 2010
Aim of the project: to promote and implement the Covenant of Mayors initiative among Ukrainian municipalities, contributing in this way to the improvement of living conditions, protection of natural environment and building civil society.
Project activities:
- Preparation and conducting of a 6-day training in Cracow, Poland.
- Preparation and presentation of a mobile exhibition entitled „Good energy”, which promotes achievements of Polish and Ukrainian signatories of the Covenant of Mayors.
- Recognition of practical aspects of joining the Covenant of Mayors in 11 Ukrainian municipalities participating on the project.
- Preparation and conducting of two 1-day seminars (in Lviv and in Kherson, Ukraine).
- Preparation and conducting of an Energy Day in Lviv, Ukraine.
- Preparation and conducting of a final conference in Lviv, Ukraine.
- Development of the project website.
- Development and issiung of an educational CD.