We would like to invite you to watch the video promoting the activities of the City of Płońsk in the field of sustainable energy, development of low-emission economy and the use of renewable energy sources. For years, Płońsk has been active in the field of climate and air protection, thus improving the quality of life of its citizens.
The video presents also activities of municipal companies that are members of the Płońsk Energy Cluster, i.e: District Heating Company (Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej), Municipal Services Company (Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej) and Skarżyn Biogas Plant.
Płońsk area is a target region in the ENTRAIN project: Enhancing renewable heat planning for improving the air quality of communities, under which this material was developed. The project is financed by the Interreg Central Europe program and its aim is improvement of the capacities of public authorities to develop and implement local strategies and action plans for enhancing the use of RES in small district heating networks.
Watch the video and see how you can generate energy and protect the environment!