All institutions interested in the topic of energy efficiency and demand side management are kindly invited to the workshop on leveraging behavioural change for energy efficiency in public buildings, which will take place in Brussels (Belgium) on the 4th of June 2018. The workshop is organised within the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project called TOGETHER (Towards a Goal of Efficiency Through Energy Reduction), which aims at promotion & dissemination of the concept of integrated energy management in public buildings, also by involving building users in the process and giving them opportunity to follow real-time energy consumption through the installation of smart meters.
During the event the participants will have a unique opportunity to get familiar with:
- holistic vision of a building, considering it not only as a structure but also a set of functions, processes and people using it;
- innovative concepts for managing energy in public buildings, involving data analytics and users empowerment;
- innovative tools developed within the TOGETHER project supporting active users engagement in energy management processes;
- practical cases related to the so called Demand Side Management, i.e. the modification of consumers’ demand for energy through various methods such as incentives and education.
Apart from listening to the inspiring presentations, the participants will have an opportunity to take part in the networking session with the representatives of project partners. Together they will discuss the best ways of motivating building users to engage in energy-saving efforts and of using smart metering systems to ensure this change.
The workshop will be hosted in the premises of the Veneto Region, Avenue de Tervuren, 67 1040 Brussels. Below you may find the link to the event agenda and the registration form. There is a limited capacity of 55 seats so we would be grateful for making early registration.
The workshop is part of the European Sustainable Energy Week and will be followed by a thematic stand at the Energy Fair on the 6th of June. You are kindly welcome to visit us also there!