logo RURESA rapidly growing world population and increasing energy  consumption are leading to a continuous rise of greenhouse  gas emissions. Resulting climate change and extreme  weather events represent one of the greatest challenges in  Europe. RURES sets to exploit the potential of renewable  energies (RES) and energy efficiency (EE) in rural regions as  they have a great potential for reaching energy autonomy.  Within RURES local support group composed of all relevant  actors will be established acting as a regional energy  network for implementing energy efficiency plans. 

Best-practices of alternative financing models for EE/RES  measures will be researched and become the basis for new  feasibility studies on how to implement energy efficiency  plans. The calculator tool (for municipal taxes and other  incomes) will highlight the importance of a community-oriented regional development and further underline the  benefits and added value generated by exploiting EE/RES. 

Project duration: 01.07.2017 - 30.06.2020 

Total project budget: 2 169 295 €

Financing: European Regional Development through the Interreg Central Europe programme
The partnership consist of 11 partners from 6 countries.

Lead Partner: Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH (DE)


  • City of Leisnig (DE)
  • Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités” (PL)
  • Pałecznica Municipality (PL)
  • Development Agency Siengrija Ltd. (SI)
  • Local Energy Agency Pomurje (SI)
  • West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)
  • Zala County Government (HU)
  • Medimurje Energy Agency Ltd. (HR)
  • Regional Development Agency Medimurje REDEA Ltd. (HR)
  • Technical University of Ostrava (CZ)


Value Calculator

Calculator RES is an online tool that explains the advantages and illustrates the validity of the use of different forms of renewable energy sources. It analyses typical schemes of RES installations based on selected parameters. The calculator is available in several languages and takes into account the specific requirements of different countries. The user (private person, company or public entity) has the opportunity to see different examples of the use of renewable sources adapted to his own needs, i.e. biomass, ground source heat, biogas and solar energy. 

The calculator is available at the address: http://decisiontree.eu/, where you can also find an electronic instruction manual for its use.

A conference promoting the RURES project was held in Ostrava on 21 January 2020. During this event, the result of the project were presented and further activities for the last six months were discussed. One of the points of the event was the presentation of Value Calculator, which is developed within the project. Its main parameters and benefits were discussed. The conference was part of the annual International RES Exhibition. The InfoTherma exhibition was dedicated to heating, energy saving and the possibilities of using renewable energy sources in small and medium sized buildings. It is the largest exhibition in the Czech Republic, presenting European and world brands of products necessary for the thermal comfort of residential buildings. 




Project website: http://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/RURES.html


Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Cités"

17/30 Sławkowska Str.

31-016 Kraków

phone/fax: +48 12 429 17 93 


The project is implemented with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg Central Europe programme. Article reflects the author’s views and Managing Authority is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.