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The "Appetite for climate - ecological menu of Polish Municipalities" project is implemented by the Association of Communes Polish Network "Energie Cités" with co-financing from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.


Project duration: September 2011 - April 2013

Activities undertaken in it supplement the project entitled "Energy for Mayors", which aims to support the "Covenant of Mayors, CoM" initiative by strengthening the network of Supporting Structures, helping to develop and implement "Action Plans for sustainable energy "(SEAP) in cities and municipalities and the promotion of this project.

Project goals:

Polish municipalities (local authorities and communities) - by implementing energy saving programs, using renewable energy sources and engaging in climate protection activities - manage their natural resources in a sustainable way and use the best, pro-energy European experience in everyday practice.

The specific goal of the project is to promote and implement among Polish municipalities (authorities and local communities) a transnational initiative supported by the European Commission entitled "Covenant of Mayors" as a tool for building sustainable development, raising ecological awareness, shaping the ecological attitudes of society and protecting the climate.

Project participants:

Direct beneficiaries of the "Appetite for climate - ecological menu of Polish municipalities" project are the signatories of the "Covenant of Mayors". The project will also contribute to the extension of this initiative among new local governments. In Poland, only a dozen cities and communes joined to this project, while in Europe over 2800 (with a total of over 130 million citizens).

We are convinced that the project will involve a larger number of Polish local governments in activities related to the "Covenant of Mayors" and will facilitate its implementation.

The beneficiaries of the project are also all residents of the municipalities participating in it - through the Energy Days, project website or information and educational materials - they will be able to learn about energy saving methods and actions that will help protect the climate.


  • Seminar for municipalities - Polish and European context of sustainable energy management and climate protection at the local level (September 2011 - December 2011);
  • Workshops for municipalities - practical aspects of implementing the "Covenant of Mayors" and sustainable energy management in a commune (September 2011 - April 2012);
  • International workshops for municipalities - European energy round table (March - May 2012);
  • Energy Days in municipalities - shaping the ecological attitudes of the society (September 2011 - April 2013);
  • Educational and promotional campaign (September 2011 - April 2013).



  • 24 planned pro-ecological investments
  • 23 municipalities promoted internationally
  • 15 new signatories to the Covenant of Mayors
  • 8 Sustainable Energy Plans
  • 2 new Supporting Structures
  • 1 commune implementing the EMS Energy Management System (EN 16001)

Please visit the project website: www.pnec.org.pl/apetyt



Project co-financed by the European Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the Intelligent Energy Europe Program. Responsibility for content lies with its authors. It does not concern the opinion of the European Community. The European Commission is not subject to distribution for the use of the information contained herein.